Use Phone As Midi

Hey there,

Today I found out I could use my cellphone (smartphone) as a midi controller, since my wallet can't afford a real midi controller I would give this a shot. I think I spent around 7-8 hours (I'm not the fastest person) today just figuring how to do this. After several apps for my Android and software for my computer I got it work, with Reaper. The USB MIDI Monitor lets you view all incoming MIDI events from your USB MIDI interface. The events are timestamped and the event type, MIDI channel and values are displayed in a scrollable table. For control changes, extra information is displayed if the control change is a known type like volume or panning. Note that this app requires the following items:. Android 3.2 or higher. Tablet. Alternatively, you may wish to use an audio interface (with MIDI ports) to connect to your computer or smart device. That way you can use one device for both MIDI and audio signal. This is a more advanced approach that is more expensive, however, you will have access to extra connections for microphones and other instruments. Users with Tiger or Windows on their computer will not be able to use iTM MidiLab at present. ITM MidiLab is primarily used for sending and receiving MIDI information between an iPhone/iPod Touch and a computer running music software. You'll need an airport.

I am hoping to use my cell phone as a midi controller to control my magic music visuals live. I mostly want to use it to move between scenes, but having the ability to control varying parameters would be great. When performing live the connector to the projector is usually several feet away from the stage so I don't have access to control my own visuals. I am thinking I will need a bluetooth dongle to connect the computer I am using Magic Music Visuals on with my cell phone. I would also need an app on my phone capable of sending midi signals that Magic Music Visuals can communicate with via the usb bluetooth dongle. I have yet to find the info I am looking for through the forums on the MMV website so I thought I would write a message. I want to know if MMV has the ability to connect with a smart phone via bluetooth / midi app program and if the MMV team has suggestions on compatible usb bluetooth dongles and midi controller apps for android. Also if there is another suggestion I am all ears! I hope I have conveyed my questions and thoughts clearly.
Take care,
OS- Windows 7
Use phone as midi devicePhone- Samgsung Galaxy s8
The new MIDI API for Android 6.0 (known as Marshmallow) is promising to make life easier for music app developers and provide a better experience for Android device wielding musicians and producers.

I’m not here to start any wars or scuffles, but until now iOS has been the mobile platform of choice for musicians, DJs and producers. The included APIs have made it easier for developers to create kick-ass music apps. But that’s about to change. Age of empires 2 definitive edition black screen.

According to a blog post on the Android Developers Blog on 15th September 2015, Google have released three new Marshmallow sample apps. So why should you care? Because two of these apps are relevant for music makers and use the new MIDI API in Andorra 6.0.

With new APIs which developers can use in their apps, it should now be easier than before to create MIDI controllable apps, and apps which can process received MIDI data of the Android platform.

Android MidiSynth

Use Phone As Midi Keyboard

With new support for MIDI coming to Android 6.0, Google appear excited to show how their new MIDI API can be used to receive and play MIDI messages from an attached MIDI input device. This could be a MIDI Keyboard, a MIDI pad controller, a MIDI Guitar, glove, light… basically anything that spits out MIDI note or CC data.

Google tell us the sample app, Android MidiSynth, demonstrates some basic features of the MIDI API, such as:

  • Enumeration of currently available devices (including name, vendor, capabilities, etc)
  • Notification when MIDI devices are plugged in or unplugged
  • Receiving and processing MIDI messages

Sample code for Android MidiSynth can downloaded HERE.

Use Phone As Midi

Android MidiScope


Use Phone As Midi Device

Receiving and processing MIDI signals from a synth or controller attached to an Android device is what this sample app is all about. MidiScope shows the “name, vendor, capabilities, etc, notification when MIDI devices are plugged in or unplugged, and receiving MIDI signals. This sample simply shows all the received MIDI signals to the screen log and does not play any sound for them.”

Use Mobile Phone As Midi

In short, this MIDI API can be used to more easily create an app which uses MIDI data to trigger sound, visuals or affect the app in a related way. and be aware of when a MIDI controller or synth is plugged into the device and when it isn’t/ Handy stuff.

Sample code for Android MidiScope can be downloaded HERE.

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Use Phone As Midi

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