Ascom Drivers For Celestron

Ascom Drivers For Celestron

I posted this here is case there was anything in ACP that could be added to help, suspect not. It is a interesting message when using the ascom driver and how a park position is defined, like in the AP mounts.
In case you see this message. I started the plan tonight.

I see what the problem is. ACP when the sky X is not connected parks in a default home position (defined my ACOM driver) which is on the meridian at 0 degrees. In other words it does not know what a park position is that the user sets in the Sky X. Ok this makes sense. So if you want to use a custom park position in Sky X, the telescope must be connected to Sky X. If ACP can be parked in a defined atl/az position, then maybe sky x would not needed

The reason you are seeing a mount not align message is because ACP parked the mount in the default ASCOM celestron position for park. When you moved the scope to another position to close the roof, you did not unpark the mount first, so it got lost. If you had connected to the Sky X and unpark that would have worked and mount would not have been lost. So tonight I left the Sky X connected to see if ACP parks as the Sky X knows it

IF I had connected ACP to use the Sky control position, I am sure that would have worked. Tonight, ACP is connected using the ASCOM driver for celestron so it may park in that psotion and not what sky x uses, but this is a good test

Find lost scope won't work because the celestron driver will move move the scope when not aligned, ACP log shows this as well. I do wonder if you could just sync on any star and then use find lost scope, maybe another good test if mount gets mis aligned again.

Anyway your plan is running

Ascom Drivers For Celestron Telescope

Ascom Drivers For Celestron

Celestron Ascom Focuser Driver

Ascom drivers for celestron driver

Ascom Celestron Telescope And Focuser Driver

Interface with other astronomy software is accomplished using the standard ASCOM driver system. CPWI was originally only compatible with the CGX and CGX-L mounts but as of April 2019, CPWI is compatible with all of Celestron's current computerized telescopes; visit their website for a full list of compatible models. Celestron on the other hand continues to build bridges. Native support in The Sky X which is now included with all Celestron mounts. Native support with PEMPRO. Full featured ASCOM drivers released within weeks. Im trying to set up ASCOM control for my Celestron AVX mount so I can control the mount from various software packages (e.g. Provides a complete ASCOM telescope interface to allow control of the telescope from third party software applications; For more information on CPWI and to see the user interface, click here. Starry Night Software Included with your purchase is a free download of Celestron. This ASCOM driver allows the use of a variety of commercial and homebrew passive encoder-based digital setting circles systems with any Windows software that supports the ASCOM standard. This driver works with either alt-az mounts (like a dobsonian) or equatorial mounts. Celestron Drivers & Firmware. Firmware can be updated using the Celestron Firmware Manager (CFM). Links to the latest releases of CFM, and our firmware update history, are available below. Download Celestron Firmware Manager View Firmware Update History.